Monday, 25 April 2011

To Ushashi, "Armstrong needed no escalator to catch the Moon!"

Courtesy of Mohua Apu and Babu Bhai, we had a fun visit to the National Air and Space Museum. The world's largest museum and research complex, the Smithsonian Institute possesses 19 museums and galleries as well as the National Zoo. Because of time constraint and largely thanks to Ushashi's obsession for just one single living object, the passenger escalator, over the museum's all ill fated artifacts, for rest of us (myself, Swarna, Amma, Mohua Apu, Babu Bhai and their loving daughter Sophie), the Museum remained greatly unexplored! None of the Museum objects-ranging from the original 1903 Wright flyer to Apollo 11 Command Module Columbia that marked the first manned lunar landing in 1969 carrying Neil Armstrong and his colleagues- could impress my complacent daughter as much as one single escalator could! A stubborn Ushashi could hardly convince herself that there were funnier stuffs to do around that place than the escalator ride even though the latter is not unavailable at the malls across the street from our homes in both Mirpur and Maryland!

We were certainly lucky to have the company of Mohua Apu and Babu Bhai, the brilliant physicians couple, extremely informed about the modern day developments in aviation sciences. I am sure they have far excelled any of the professional guides operating around us.

It should not go unrecorded that the doctor couple's generousity to us stretched up to a very sumptuous treat at an Italian restuarant in the Montgomery Mall!

Hope, Ushashi's physics would soon transcend our conflicts for a united space mission from Smithsonian next time!

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